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PRAYER HOTLINE: 718.290.2000



Our Prayer Band prays over each prayer request for 30 days. In addition, the entire congregation prays for requests during our Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting. We invite you to join with us in prayer as, together, we believe God for answers to these requests. We also invite you to read the praise reports that people have submitted about God’s faithfulness in answering prayer.

Pray for salvation for Taranaki and Te Tai.


Pray for the children of Genese to be successful in school and for wisdom, guidance, and direction for them.

Pray for deliverance from anxiety and suicidal thoughts for Ebz.


Pray for Craig, Jose and their families to be blessed.

Pray for salvation for Lilia’s son, wife, and children and their wisdom, guidance, and direction.

Pray for wisdom, guidance, and direction for Gloria to start a business.

Pray for Marlon’s success and to remove all roadblocks interfering with his concentration to study and pass the entry exam for law school.

Pray for deliverance and healing from all health issues for Joel.

Pray for salvation for Martin.

Pray for salvation for Jayden and to be successful in school.

Pray for healing and recovery for Caleb.

Pray for wisdom, guidance, and success in school for Emanuel.